Why You Should Let Your Preschooler Choose Their Clothing Every Morning

Your preschooler likely struggles to make many simple decisions, such as where they want to go to eat and what toy they want for their birthday. That's because their minds are still psychologically dependent on you to make decisions. One of the easiest ways you can encourage them to start making their own decisions is by choosing their outfit for their day at preschool.

Choosing Their Clothing Is A Simple Decision

Most experts agree that it is important to let your child make this decision, even if they end up wearing mismatched clothes. However, you should make sure that they wear clothes that are appropriate for their preschool and the weather conditions. It's not a bad idea to talk to the preschool teacher first to get a feel for what kinds of clothes they can wear.

A little guidance here is helpful, as preschoolers often do best when making decisions between multiple options, rather than going in without guidance. They will look to you for help in these decisions, especially when deciding on important aspect of their day, such as their clothing.

While letting your children choose their clothing might seem like a minor detail, but it is one that can be help teach your children how to be more empowered. Teaching children self-empowerment is an important aspect of preschool education.

How Self-Empowerment Helps Preschool Education

When your preschooler learns how to make decisions and feels self-powered, they will have a stronger feeling of self-esteem about their abilities. This will make it easier for them to learn important life lessons, including those learned from their preschool teacher. Beyond the improvement in their self-esteem is the ways that making choices will improve their cognitive development.

Children who can make choices early in their preschool years will learn better decision making skills in the future. As a result, they are more likely to turn away from drugs and other negative behaviors. Children who know what they want and aren't afraid to say it are more emotionally, morally, and intellectually independent from their peers and can more easily avoid peer pressure.

Obviously, children in preschool aren't going to have to deal with pressure about drugs or alcohol. However, they may experience some pressure to behave in negative ways, such as picking on other children in their classroom or ignoring their classwork.

Letting them choose their clothing at the beginning of the school day might seem like a minor situation, but it is one that could offer them surprising benefits in their preschool education. Encourage your children to make decisions and they'll be intelligent and independent adults. For assistance, talk to a professional like Kid's Country Child Care & Learning Center.
